Saturday, August 7, 2010

Making Money Opportunity – Is It A Scam?

There are hundreds if not millions making money opportunities in the world today. It seems that everyone has a making money opportunity for you no matter where you live. Are they scams? I’ve checked many making money opportunities out from different scam web sites and there are those who declare scam and then there are those who cry legit. Who do you believe?

I believe that there are those that are legit scams. What do I mean by legit scams? I mean that they are out to purposely get your money and give you back nothing in return. But I also believe that there are legitimate home based Internet businesses where you can actually make a buck or two. Some people even make millions with their making money opportunity.

I won’t lie. Working the Internet is hard work and if you’re not willing to put in the time and dedication then you will probably fail. It’s a harsh reality I know but it’s the down to earth truth. You don’t have to go gang busters at your making money opportunity but you do need to be consistent.

So now that I’ve answered the scam question. I have personally found that the making money opportunities some people cry SCAM over are indeed legitimate home based Internet businesses. The company does indeed pay you if you put in the time and effort to make the money. The problem is that many people don’t want to put in the time it takes to make the money. They aren’t dedicated to their money making opportunity.

Learning how to market your making money opportunity over the Internet are skills that you can acquire. Some of the marketing skills you should learn are:

  • How to create a blog
  • How to update your blog with relevant content
  • How to do Article Marketing
  • How to do Email Marketing
  • How to do Social Marketing
  • How to do Forum Marketing
  • How to do PPC Advertising (Pay Per Click)
  • How to use Google Adsense

Normally you learn these skills through the school of hard knocks. I mean, you find a making money opportunity and you begin to learn those marketing skills. It’s not all hard knocks though. There is a ton of good information that you can find on the Internet. I have found it best though if you can find someone who is willing to share his/her knowledge with you.

How do you find a making money opportunity? That is another skill that you will learn through the school of hard knocks. Some making money opportunities are:

  • Become an Affiliate for someone who has a product
  • You can find these products and companies through places like:
  • Clickbank
  • Commission Junction
  • Create your own product such as

    • Information product from something you are knowledgeable about
    • Something physical such as a board game
    • This list could be as endless as your imagination
  • Perpetual Marketing

I have been involved in my share of these making money opportunities. I personally feel that a good perpetual marketing company is a real good place to start because there is a lot of support. For more information on my recommendation for a perpetual marketing company check out my website.

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